《World Development》| He et al:农村低保项目提高农村儿童教育成果
关键词:教育 ;低保;影响评价;中国农村
Abstract:In order to combat poverty in China’s rural areas, the Chinese government has established an unconditional cash transfer program known as the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Rural Dibao) Program. Many studies have investigated the program’s effect on rural households, only to come back with mixed findings. Interestingly, despite the importance of education in breaking cycles of poverty, little is known about Rural Dibao’s impact on rural children’s education. This study investigates Rural Dibao’s impact on rural children’s learning outcomes by first examining targeting issues within the program, exploring a causal relationship between Rural Dibao and learning outcomes, and then exploring potential mechanisms and heterogeneous effects. Data from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from the years 2010, 2012 and 2014 were used. The results suggest that the Rural Dibao program suffers from high levels of targeting error, yet is still effective (i.e. program transfers generally still go to people in need). The fixed effects models find that program participation raises rural children’s standardized test scores in CFPS Chinese-language and math tests. In investigating mechanisms, increased education and food expenditures seem to connect Rural Dibao participation to increased learning results. The heterogeneity analysis shows that poorer, non-eastern children benefit from the program (while others have no effect). These findings suggest that Rural Dibao participation boosts rural children’s learning, which could indicate a long-term anti-poverty effect, and that if the program can resolve targeting problems, this effect could be even greater.
Key words: Education; Low income subsidy; Impact evaluation; Rural China
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